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Pre-College 项目

North Foundation Hall, Room 121
318 Meadow Brook Rd.
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-4455
Fax: (248) 370-4463
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Pre-College 项目

North Foundation Hall, Room 121
318 Meadow Brook Rd.
罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4454
(248) 370-4455
Fax: (248) 370-4463
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

An aerial photo of people seated at long tables in rows.



激励和准备大学预科学生接受高等教育的机会. This mission is accomplished by making available academic, 社会, 为学生和他们的家庭提供职业和文化丰富计划和活动.


  • 外展
  • 招聘
  • 订婚

While some neighborhoods look great, others are covered in snow, 人们正试图在天气太冷之前尽快把它清除掉.




Because of the winter weather, schools all across Metro Detroit are already running out of snow days, and that could change the way your child's calendar shapes up.

As a result of the numerous school closings, 今年,克林顿河流域学区的250多名五年级学生无法参加电影节. According to Kathleen Gray of the Detroit Free Press, 事实证明,2018-2019学年残酷地提醒人们,密歇根州的冬天是不可预测的. 然而, 5月19日, 2019, 超过850名学生参加了这个非凡的节日,并体验了一系列室内和室外的演讲,这些演讲教导了水的重要性及其对我们环境的影响, complementing the science curriculum taught at the fifth-grader schools.


Here is a look of what some of those presentations looked like.

Just drawing from this 水 over here, and if something got into the 水 into the ground and contaminated it, then you would have some of that material come up in your drinking.


[inaudible] and you can see she's sticking out.

Does anybody have any guesses? How can you tell a male [inaudible] ?

我们正在学习克林顿河,然后学习如何保持水的清洁,以及它对动物的影响. 如果水中有污染,不同的化学物质,那是如何使动物变形的?

So if you do decide to look for salamanders it is important

我们一直在学习植物是如何帮助土壤的,以及所有东西是如何流失的. 我们有大量的水供应,我们需要照顾好它,否则它就不会那么好了,因为如果没有一堆化学物质,我们就无法饮用它.

A life jacket, great name because that's exactly what it does. So he does that, and what happened? He went this way, and the life jacket went this way.

We're learning about soil, 鸟, 蠕虫, 错误, 树, 电, and that's what we came to do today.

对于许多老师来说,他们已经经历了很多次这个节日. Based on their survey responses, 克林顿河水节已经并正在为他们的学生带来有关水和环境的宝贵信息.

我们在过去的四年里一直来这里,这对他们来说是一个很好的方式,把他们在学校学到的科学知识联系起来, to real-world challenges that exist today.

我们去年第一次来这里,我觉得这对孩子们来说是一个很好的机会,让他们在课堂之外学习. There are several different ways that it ties right into our curriculum.

过去几年我一直来这里这基本上是我们在课堂上讨论的内容的延伸, and it's more hands-on. 他们实际上看到了,看了一看,对我在课堂上告诉他们的东西有了不同的看法.

这个节日继续庆祝五年级学生的奉献工作,他们通过参加年度海报比赛来表达他们的兴奋和担忧. 今年, 选出的五张海报一如既往地出色,并揭示了学生对这一资源重要性的看法.


好吧, you can save 水 by a lot of things and to prevent pollution. 就像在你刷牙的时候关掉水龙头可以节省水, and you can take shorter showers. When you're done with your 水, you can pour it in a plant to save them.

好吧, 你可以缩短淋浴时间,如果不需要的话,尽量不要冲马桶, and make sure your trash goes where it's supposed to.

The 水 gets polluted by people like us.

There's only so much 水 in the world.

Whatever the other sources that end 水, we can't live.

帮助使节日年复一年的成功是专业人士的承诺和奉献的努力,分享他们的专业知识和知识的重要性,我们最宝贵的资源, 水.

I've come here for around eight years and I really enjoy coming here. I get to interact with some awesome fifth graders. Our goal is to hope that kids will get a greater appreciation of wetlands, the wetlands that they see every day, 也许可以把它们看作更特殊的东西,也许是他们应该关心的东西.

基本上, 我们教他们地下水模型和水循环,以及万物是如何相互联系的. 他们有可能在地面上做的每一件事都会影响到其他事情,影响到其他人.

We're talking about Michigan lake sturgeon. 所以我们要做一个游戏来代表一个湖外科医生的生命周期从卵到成年阶段. I'm from Detroit, so I grew up in the city.

当你住在城市里的时候,有很多不同的事情是你不会真正遇到的, 很多建筑, 大量的混凝土. 你将有机会了解密歇根州有多少水,以及为什么水非常重要. 所以来到这样的地方可能是孩子们第一次理解为什么我们有这么多水, and why it's important, and why we need to conserve it.

只要有机会,我就能和那个年龄的孩子们谈谈,也许能把他们吸引回来, 也许会让他们觉得科学很酷或者是自然职业之类的.

如果你能在他们很小的时候就开始让他们思考那些会影响他们日常生活的事情, can effect what they do could affect other people, it goes a long way. 计划委员会要感谢参加十大菠菜台子克林顿河水节的学生和老师.

另外, 感谢所有幕后工作人员付出的宝贵时间和努力,他们年复一年不知疲倦地使十大菠菜台子的这次活动取得了巨大的成功.

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